I've been planning on doing a "Before and After" post for a long time but I wanted to wait until I reached my goal but I've decided to just do it now. I still have 10 more pounds to lose but I've been at this weight for at least 6 months now so I might not reach that goal. This before photo above was taken in 2009 and I think I had just started losing weight.

The before photo above I took when I started dieting because I wanted a really bad before picture. I put those jeans and top on just for the photo. I wouldn't have been caught dead going out wearing that. Those pants were a size 16 and I could barely squeeze into them they were so tight. The skinny jeans in the photo above are a size 4 from Old Navy! I still remember trying those on. I was in the dressing room with a size 8 and they were too big so I changed back into my clothes and went out and got a size 6 and those were a little big. I went out again and got a size 4 and I couldn't believe I was able to get them on! I was standing in line to buy them and I was texting my daughter that I fit into a size 4! I was giddy with excitement! Those are the only size 4s I have though, all my other pants are size 6 but I'm fine with that...I was a size 18 and squeezing into a 16...size 6 feels great!
I'm 5'7" and I weighed 220 lbs at my highest and now I'm about 145...I seem to go up and down a few pounds regularly! My goal is 135.
I'll share more soon on how I did it but most of it was lost through Weight Watchers and LoseIt.com. I also started working out.
March 2013 |
I think it's obvious that I'm a lot happier now!
I know I love to see before and after photos of people and I found looking at them very inspiring when I had all that weight to lose! I'm sharing these photos in hopes of inspiring at least one person! If I can do it so can you!
April 2013 |