
Tuesday, August 9, 2011


On September 24, 2010 I turned 50 years old!  It was a great day! I embraced turning 50 and it has been an amazing year for me!

Just a year earlier it was a different story...turning 49 was very hard! I knew it was my last year in my 40s and it felt very depressing. I was overweight, tired, and didn't have very much self confidence. My forties were gone and there was no way to get them back! I felt so old and depressed!

It sometimes take getting to that low point to bring about change. I knew I had made bad choices by eating too many fattening foods and not getting enough exercise. I decided that I was the only person that could change me!

...and change I did! I started hiking, and working out at the gym. I joined Weight Watchers. Over the year I lost about 50 lbs. I'm a work in progress...I still need to lose some more weight and tone up but I'm enjoying the journey I'm on. With every pound I lose and every workout I do, I'm feeling better and better!

I posted photos of the new me on my other blog "My Romantic Home" and on Facebook and I received so many emails from other woman telling me that I had inspired them to lose weight which is why I decided to start this blog.

I am not a diet, fitness or beauty no means, but I am a woman in my 50s that is a little obsessed with all of that now. It's amazing how much can change in a year!

I hope that you join me on my journey through this blog! I plan to share healthy recipes, and beauty & exercise tips...I'm sure there will much more too! We can all inspire each other!

Here are some "Before" and "After" photos.  The "After" should be titled "Under Construction" because I still haven't reached my goal yet but I know I'm on my way!



  1. You look great Cindy, your best makeover to date- that doesn't include decorating! I too joined WW and it was the best thing I ever did for myself. Tonight I just got back from my weigh in and I have lost 18lbs in 3 months. I've lost more than 10% of my weight. Recently I started jogging and last night I did my first Zumba class. I look forward to following both of your blogs.

  2. Not only an impressive physical transformation, Cindy but such a great, postive attitude, as well!

    Thanks for starting this blog!

    Marilyn (in Dallas)

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Love your new blog......I am also over 50..... And trying to keep fit too. These are the best years of our life.......lovin the 50's! You probably know me from my other blog, House and Garden Boutique. Flea Market Lady is my new blog. I look forward to your future posts......thx for keeping us on track to being healthier! You look fantastic.....Lynn in Atlanta.

  5. Well done Cindy you look great, and you have been a big inspiration to so many of us. I'm roaring up to the big 5-0 in a few years, so I'm ready to get fit too!

  6. Oh how I can relate! I'm almost 54. Shortly after turning 50, my daughter announced her engagement and wedding that was going to be taking place in 8 months! YIKES... Talk about kicking it into high gear! Clean eating,(highly recommend Tosca Reno), cardio, weight training and A LOT of kick boxing later I lost 25 lbs and was a size 4. Since then I have gained back 10 lbs, which is fine, I figured out that staying where I was for the wedding was not "my ideal weight" (well, maybe to me, but not to my body). I continue to workout... this is a MUST, and eat clean. I'm also a vegetarian, for 4 years now. Anyways, I really know what you are going through and commend you and anyone else who makes a personal decision to take back the control. The key is sticking to it for life! I'm happy you are doing this, because I've been kicking the idea around for a couple of years myself and I know there is a need. So many women want to know the hows of doing it and keeping it off. I will be a follower Cindy, we can help each other to stay motivated. Sometimes that's the hardest part don't you agree?
    Your friend in Turlock, Marcia

  7. Congratulations on your new blog Cindy. Like everything else you tackle, this too will be successful. I keep saying you look like the younger sister of the "before" photo. I can see you making a beautiful difference in many women's lives by this blog.

  8. Congrats on the new blog!!!! Pat H

  9. Cindy, you're inspirational! I'm so glad we connected and love your friendship. I enjoy reading your post and seeing all your adventures on fb. I myself have been enjoying my fabulous fifties and you have inspired me as well. Congrats on your new blog and can't wait to experience this journey with you in our fifties....
    Hugs to you- Michelle Bogdan

  10. Cindy....50 is fabulous on you! Tomorrow I am celebrating the beginning of my 4 year journey to the fit and fabulous 50+ that I am today!
    Can't wait to follow along on your 2nd blog! So excited for you!!! Isn't it amazing what a few changes can do to your entire life????

  11. Wow, Cindy... You know I "knew" you before and saw you working away (hard work!) but I really hadn't realized what a huge change in your appearance until now. I'm even more proud of you for all that dedication!

    I'm hoping your blog will get me up and going again. This is only Day 2 of my workout walk but I could feel a difference in my attitude as early as yesterday afternoon with positive thoughts.

    You know I'm going to follow. Wanted to get over here last night but we went to a zydeco little concert and I forgot but I'm here now!!

  12. Love that top in last photo BTW!

  13. You look so great Cindy! I didn't exactly get on the bandwagon before I turned 50, but I'm on it now! No way am I going to be fat in Abby's graduation photos (next May). Bought some new workout clothes today! Thanks so much for the inspiration, xo, Andrea

  14. What a transformation Cindy, in the words of Billy Crystal... you look simply Mahvelous Darlink! Inspirational! I lost 41 lbs. just before my 50th B-Day several years ago, but alas, Maintenance has never been one of my strengths so I'm having to start once again to transform & then hopefully Maintain more effectively!? *Winks*

    Dawn... The Bohemian

  15. Cindy, Congratulations you look the white top! Best wishes on your new blog. I've been on a mission too, turning 60 last year sort of gave me a wake up call. So,I returned to Weight Watchers and have taken off over 40lbs. I'm working on that last 20lbs which seem to be giving me a very hard time. Getting to the gym lately is so hard. Plus, my bike has spider webs on it. Can over 60 year old's join your new site? Just checking. :) Mumzie

  16. I turn 50 this year and I also want to get in better shape.

  17. Looking great! I turned 53 this year and need to follow your lead and get moving..Thanks for the inspiration.


  18. You look great! I am excited about your new fitness blog! Thanks for sharing....

  19. You look terrific Cindy. Good luck with this new blog. I know I will be visiting regularly. I need to get motivated and I will take all the help I can get! lol


  20. Cindy you have done a wonderful job and the transformation is awesome. Good job!!!

  21. Looking forward to reading your new blog. It will be an encouragement to all of us I'm sure.. I will be 50 in December..Oprah said 50 is the new 30 so I am going with that !

  22. Girl! You got me motivated! Just turned 50 last month and I'm all over what you are saying! Thank you!

  23. hello youngin'! all i can think about is joey on friends sayin, "howyoudooooin'?...."

    go girl...have you tried shakin yer money maker to zumba? i think you might likey likey...

    you're beautiful...i wish you were my neighbor.

  24. You look beautiful! I also want to loose some weight and try to be the best I can be at 63!

  25. I can testify that you are truly working hard! Keep on that uphill trek, Cindy!! You will empower many women by writing this blog!

    Shari-hope-to-hike-with-you-soon-cohort :-)

  26. You look gorgeous! I love that you started this blog, I for one am taking this over 50 thing as a challenge to start fresh. For me it is empowering to know that I can feel more in control than I have in recent years. Thanks again Cindy! t. xoxooxoox

  27. Makes a big difference in health, attitude and looks losing weight. I have a post about a wellness center on my blog, what good is looking good if you don't feel good, right? I lost 45 lbs and now comes the hard job of keeping it off. Don't kid yourself keeping it off is not easy. Old habits die hard!

  28. I've followed you for years, and am so excited for your new blog! I will be having my 50th birthday in 2 months and 21 days. To be exact. I have been dreading it but after reading your post I realize that maybe it won't be all that bad. (gulp). But I really really need to lose weight and exercise so I'm getting serious now. (you look great by the way)
    Thanks for the new blog!

  29. You just don't look like the same person. You looked nice before, but older and sort of settled in to older age. Now you look vavavoom. Again, there was nothing wrong with Before. But if you feel better with After, you certainly are an enhanced you in the After. It makes me look at myself and wonder what a different version of myself would look like. In your case, I have to say, the Before looks like an older sister, with you being the baby sister. It's really a transformation. I don't think any of us feel all that great when we feel we're not who we should be. If losing weight and feeling fit makes us feel we're doing all we can to be healthy and look nice, and if lifts our spirits and we're energized emotionally and spiritually and physically, then focusing on image can't be a bad thing.

  30. Thank you so much for this post... and the blog... I have visited the Romantic Home blog many times but today is the first time I knew about this one..... You have inspired me..... I feel like you did when you were 49... only I am just turning 59... and feel like I really am old!!! You have inspired me .... especially with the foods and recipes.. THANK YOU SOOOO MUCH!!! Terri

  31. Just have to add my comments to the rest- you look amazing, Cindy! Thanks for the inspiration- I'm going to need every bit of it!

  32. I found this blog through Tracey's blog, but I'm also a long time reader of your Romatic Home blog. I just turned 49 and can identify with so much of what you write. Three years ago I lost 55 pounds, and I have kept it off, and am now trying to lose another 25. I'm also almost single again after 29 years of marriage, and am dealing with the depression of the ending of my marriage, and the fear of starting over. Life is surely an adventure, and I want to live it well...and be as healthy as I can.
